Saturday, September 27, 2008

Secret Rendezvous in Heaven

Many fun things were on today's calendar. None of them happened. =( Because of one thing or another those plans never got a good chance at showing themselves today. Too bad...

I've been a ridiculous mess of emotions and headaches, deadlines and budget, kids' homework and activities, Dr. appointments and packing to move. Earlier today dear, sweet Hubby asked me if I'd like him to get my purse so I could get a headache medicine. I said, "No thanks, I'm okay, I'd rather just get through this and get home and then I'm sure I'd feel better." He gave me THAT look and reached for my purse anyhow. "Please, for the kids and me? You're killing us."Shoot. Am I really? And he nods.

Bitty as I speak is teething on the side of her crib. Earlier today she was teething on the legs of chairs. Who's child is this? Seriously. Then the bottles that she uses are the bottles with the liners in them. Since the bottle isn't closed on the bottom, and you just change the liner, it's really much easier to clean. But this kid is smart. Or funny. Or destructive. Or all of the above at the same time. She learned today how to stick her hand UP the bottom of the bottle and 1) SQUEEZE the liner bag so it sprays formula every where and 2)YANK the liner, formula and all, right out of the bottle.....oh doesn't that paint and lovely little picture? My car will smell fantastically of old, warm, formula tomorrow I'm sure.

So we're wrapping up a fairly uneventful day, and it's finally starting to cool off. We load some more boxes. We undo part of my closet, then start on Hubby's. There's been this box in his closet forever labeled "Halloween." I didn't get to it last year because Bitty had just been born. Didn't get to it the year before that because Mom had just died. And now I couldn't really remember what we would have that would be in that box. Hmmmm... so I open it.....
Oh. My. Goodness.
When I think this little train of mine can't chug chug through anything else... I get this little love gift. Inside the box are sweet little clothes of mine from when I was baby. NOW I remember Mom giving me this box a few months before she died. Oh they are precious. Precious-PRECIOUS. Favorites that she'd saved for me. I'm taking them out one at a time and showing them to the bebes and hubby. Maybe 15 little outfits. Down at the bottom is the sweetest one of all: A hand-sewn dress by MY MAMA for ME when I was but a wee-little-babe. It will fit bitty perfectly. Look how sweet it is:

These little love gifts from Mama pop up about once a year. She never got to meet Bitty. Bitty was due to be born one year TO THE DAY after Mama died. Bitty is Mama's namesake. I wonder if they secretly rendezvoused in heaven. There is so much about my sweet baby that is so much like my mom. I wonder if when Mama was making this dress for me, if she ever imagined that a grandchild she'd never meet on Earth would wear it joyfully years later. Or maybe she knew all along....

Tomorrow we will get up early and go to church, and then to a company picnic. Bitty will wear this sweet dress all day tomorrow and I will quietly smile and know that Mama is keeping an eye on me and my bebes from afar. We are surrounded by love..and I am thankful.


Brittany said...

Bitty looked beautiful in it and your momma would have been so pleased!

Rosalyn said...

sweet. sweet. sweet.

Lauren said...

I love your Mama! And at this time of year I start waiting for the first rain so that I can go to Spanky's!