Monday, March 8, 2010

Today's Chapter

Here we are. A Monday night. Hmmm.

Got up early. Showered and dressed myself and 3 children. Dropped Emi at Grandma's. Wrote Nat a note to take to the teacher for missed work since she was out sick all last week. Took Nat to school. Lu had an appt. Sat in the the elementary school parking lot for 1/2 hour to pay bills until the bank opened. Paid bills. Went to the bank. Went to Starbucks. Dropped off my taxes. Went to the post office. Took Lu to her doctor's appointment. Took my coffee. Got a prescription. Drove to the pharmacy. Waited for pharmacy to fill prescription... so I could give it to Lu so she could go to school. Drove Lu back to school. Walk her in, sign her in, feel incredibly scrutinized by the office staff. Go to work. Timecards. Reports. Emails. Faxes. Status. Reply. Check phone messages and inbox too. Times two... for two facilities. Print, sign, mail. Drive to hospital meetings. Take my coffee. Meetings successful. Run to car. Drive back to school to pick up Lu. Pick her up. Have quick late lunch. Drive her to another appointment. Then Me to an appointment. Then to another. Drop her with a friend. Pretty sure this is when I made it back home. In time to.... do nothing other than pee. Turn around, drive back down the mountain. Practice. Now back home. And here I am.

In a previous post I've made known that my staff can tell how my day is going, by seeing when/if my hair is up yet. Ok. Still applicable. Now, though, I'd like to add an additional element to this. Feel my coffee cup. Is it empty? Almost empty. Then you are in luck. Tonight as I make it home, my coffee from 930 this morning is more than 3/4 full. That was 12 hours ago. A LONG time ago.

This all comes following a day yesterday that included: explaining to a 10 year old and an 8 year old why some things don't turn out as they should. Why we have to keep moving. Keep making good choices for ourselves and others. Keep our heads above water. Keep our mouths shut a good majority of the time, and opening them when we would otherwise be scared to. Life is tough. And hard. And usually it hurts, and I just don't know why. I hope it all makes sense later, but for now, this is it..... draw on your strengths, lean on each other, speak from your love and never your anger. Other people will talk and talk and talk and try to tell you what to do; they'll weasel their way in. But their wise words never stopped the bleeding.

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