Thursday, February 18, 2010

Getting There...

Ok, we've got some news, some plans, some strategies, and some still lacking.

As of right now, the plan (with the blessing of the Stanford doc, and at the request of the Santa Monica doc) is for Dad to forgo the lung biopsy completely at this point. We were REALLY hoping he'd get in first thing this week, Monday was a holiday and yesterday there was a plane that went down in Palo Alto and took down the electricity for the entire shoot. With all the setbacks of delaying appts, rescheduling etc, they weren't going to be able to get him in until next Wed. No Thanks.

Dad and I will leave Sunday morning and drive to Santa Monica. I've done a little bit of research (ahem.... um.... travelocity anyone? heh) and there's several hotels close by, that are reasonably priced for a long stay, and give discounts to those receiving treatment at the Sarcoma Oncology Center. Yay.

Dad has an appointment at 1pm on Monday! This is fantastic. The Santa Monica doc really wants to get dad evaluated and started on treatment. And so that's where things are at right now. Not sure if I'll be down there for a day or two or five?? We shall see. I want to make sure that there's at least two sets of eyes and ears at the first appointments. Then get Dad settled.

For the trip, I've already purchased several new CDs to soothe my ears on the long drive down and back. Good music. New car. Road trip with my daddy. I'm looking forward to this part!

1 comment:

Allison said...

hope the drive goes well today, thinking of ya!