Thursday, January 22, 2009


It's been a rough week, several weeks. I didn't realize my game face actually shielded what was really going on so well. I've been informed. I blogged several months ago: "Will there be rest for the weary? When is my turn?'

This evening found me some rest. Not like sleep. But but like my heart could open and be acknowledged and old hurts put to rest. I forget that I need to be an active part in my life. Yes life goes on around me, but I can either choose to engage, or retreat. I'm really good at retreating. Not so good at engaging.

God can have His "God Moments" but it can be so much more powerful and meaningful when there is someone(s) there to share it and GET it too. Creates a bond and memories that remind me that God is good, and life CAN be amazing, and difficult, but not to forget that I have a part in this too. This brings me hope in the midst of a very trying time.

1 comment:

Rosalyn said...

Hey little one. Mom's looking forward to the Zoo with you all again. It must be a hard time of year for your too. I love you and am praying for you often.