Sunday, December 29, 2013

Back in the Saddle

So, the time has come. I got a new computer. Merry Christmas to me :)

*Hopefully* this means more blogging. Hopefully more thoughts shared, and connections made as a whole. Not just the darn computer...

2013 has been good. Challenging, and trying at times, but in the grand scheme of 'this is your life' it has been good and decent. There are plenty of drowning moments, in over my head, send me a life line, and then.... and then.... I get one. A call, a text, a something, a sign.

My motto for 2013 was: Be Direct. It was scary! It was helpful. I got a heck of a lot more accomplished, and felt more 'heard.' Huh. Funny tho- when you have more to say, and still aren't heard by the same people... oh, that's another post.

Anyhoo, I need a 2014 motto... got any? Celebrate everything. Be cute. Sing on key. Don't use the credit card. Call Dad every day. Match the damn socks when they come out of the dryer. Be love. Breathe deep. Make the time.

1 comment:

Keidi said...

Yayyyyy!! I await eagerly anything you write/post! Mentioned your mom today, gave her blind date advice to my sister. (Try to work "buster" into every sentence with newly met suitor, I've told you that story before, right? I love that one. :) I'm glad to see you here!