Saturday, July 18, 2015

Day #20

I. Am. Sick. :(

One kid home from annual Gramma and Grampy camping by the skin of her teeth, off to camp tomorrow.

To bed I go. Distant memories of dad in and out of nursing home and into Stanford ER, with septic shock.... from a big transplant of skin from thigh to atm, after removing cancerous bone from his arm. Ugh... and then a graft to cover the graft, and then a 3rd graft because 2nd never took.

Why... my brain goes there when my temp is high... idk. But oy.

Oh the stories I could recount of Stanford... mom's bone marrow transplant and more, James' 2nd spinal fusion, Dad's surgeries and lung surgery... plus a lil here and a lil there.... :/

Sometimes I wish my brain would. Just. Turn. Off.

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