Her eyes are closed apparently because she didn't want to get dirt in them. Funny, cause she had no problem getting it in her hair, nose, and diaper. 8)
Want to know where all this fabulous dirt play was taking place? Right there next to daddy's big truck. And who says safety is always first?
Silly silly girls.... and then below would be "See no evil, armpit no evil, speak no evil, and hear no evil." Don't ask. Just go with it.
And now, one final word: If you are easily offended, please don't read on and don't comment.
Hubby and I saw this sign recently as we drove by and I wanted a picture. I saw this and I thought: Heck ya! Tell Him to get a little giddy up in His step and get here with a quickness. I, personally speaking, can't wait to meet Him in the flesh! I already know Him as my savior. He IS my light. Some days it just seems like I'm hanging on for dear life for Him to arrive though. Then there is this picture: Go ahead. Take it all in. Are you offended?
Does it really matter WHERE someone finds Jesus- or WHY or HOW for that matter? I imagine but DO NOT ASSUME that this T-shirt was made to mock us Christ followers. Here's the thing- do we really care what they think? Probably not. But what really irks me is when fellow Christians mock, or somehow belittle someone else's personal relationship with Christ. That's what I find most hurtful. No wonder the rest of society thinks we are a bunch of nuts. We give our lives lovingly to Christ, we serve based on His word, we do encounter obstacles, we are not perfect, BUT how DARE another person who purports to have the same love and values tell us (me) when we're not doing it right. I'm telling you I gave every ounce of my being to Him on a certain day many years ago. It was me and God, baby: in my heart, drumming up the most beautiful forgiveness and life of hope and purpose. If I'm telling you I've found Him, QUIT telling me I need to find Him. Quit preaching to me that my lowly life does not equate to anything until Christ is found. I hear you! I promise! I agree! But if you'd close your mouth for one second and actually LISTEN you'd hear that I'm already there. What's the next step? Or perhaps you keep saying this over and over and over because you know it's what YOU need to do. It's what YOU need to hear. Maybe He's speaking through you TO YOU.
Sure didn't see that one coming...on this particular post anyway. Preach it sister!
love U
I agree!
well! I'm offended! for YOU!!! you are awesome. i love you.
I love the Jesus T-shirt! Some of my favorite bumper stickers: Jesus Shaves. and: Are you following Jesus this closely? 8)
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